Another fabulous week has gone by!!
Here is a little glimpse of some of the best things that happened this week...
Wed Nov 25 2015
We got lost! We were on our way to stop by a member's little children's library...but we ended up somewhere unfamiliar...
We decided that it was because that's where the Lord wanted us at that particular time.
We said a prayer together and set off to invite. We took all the little random turns, through narrow paths into tiny neighborhoods not easily seen from the bigger streets.
This little street was a blessed street~
First there was one..
then two...
then four~
We started talking to this little old lady about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
She listened, and as we shared the beautiful truths that the gospel contains, we were able to share our love and make her smile.
As we stood up to leave, I felt that we needed to go back and pray with this old lady...
We turned around mid step, and went back to ask her to pray with us...
As we started to explain to her what prayer was, this other little, young lady came by and stopped to watch, intrigued by what we were doing.
We drew her in to join in on the goodness, and we taught the two of them to pray.
As Sister Hayes prayed, I felt the presence of two little boys, who had been playing nearby, stop dead in their tracks and join our little group.
I put a finger to my lips, indicating to the boys that they should be quiet and they were very still throughout the entire duration of the prayer.
When the prayer was over, the two little boys scampered off, as the two ladies sat still and meditated (as Buddhist people do).
It gave the Spirit a chance to really sink in.
The young lady wanted a picture with us, and after getting her number, we went our separate ways.
As we continued on with our day, contacting random people on the streets, we were able to meet more people interested in learning more, a man who wanted a picture with us (he even held up the picture of Christ on our pamphlet of his own accord in the picutre!) and an LA.
To finish off our day, we were able to spend some time with a group of our members and join in the "Lay Gatone" celebration.
This traditional celebration is the opportunity (originally a Buddhist tradition) to send off a candle lit float on water, symbolic of letting go any bad habits.
One of the members graciously made us each a float, and we added our little contribution to them (Elder Larson, our district leader's idea!)
Fri Nov 27 2015
Scripture of the week: 3 Nephi 20: 40
"How beautiful upon themountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidingsunto them, that publisheth peace; that bringeth goodtidings unto them of good, that publisheth salvation; thatsaith unto Zion: Thy God reigneth!"
We decided to go inviting to a place we had never been before. As we worked, we met many nice people, including a girl from Germany and a girl who overlooked my stuttering Thai, and expressed her interest in learning more.
If I had to pin point my favourite thing about today, it would be that a little girl took us by the hand and led us through her little neighborhood.
I cannot help but feel that children really are more in tune with the Spirit and that they know, maybe without really knowing it, when they feel the warmth of the Spirit and the Light of Christ.
If we could all be just as humble, and trusting as this little girl is, how much greater could we all be?
She intently listened as Sister Hayes explained a little bit about Christ and the message contained in the pamphlet!
Sat Nov 28 2015
Here were all of the gifts that I received for my birthday this year (in order that they happened):
-morning surprise from my awesome Trainer, Sister Hayes
- a wonderful drop-in investigator who felt the spirit strongly
-birthday cake surprise from Sister Auh (one of the members)
-the chance to meet Abdul's beautiful family from Pakistan who have the most beautiful testimony about prayer and God's miracles (yet to accept the gospel)
-stake conference with Sister Black, Sister Htway and two of my Phii Thai's from the MTC (Elder Gremillion and Elder Ho Ching)
My Birthday Cake all written out in Thai!!! How fantastic is that?!
With my some of my favourite members!
These two lovely ladies are off to the Temple (in Hong Kong) for the very first time this week!!! WHOOOOOHOOOO!!!
I'm so very excited for themmm!
Stake Conference with the members!
Christmas Zone Conference with some of my favourite missionaries!
Our District
On the left is Elder Wager...our district's creation!
MTC buddies!!
and.. Stake Conference with Investigators!
With our mission mama!
Early Christmas presents!!
And.. My companion!
I love her...
Sweat and all....
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